Birdhouse by Artcenter College of Design

28 Creative Packaging Projects That Inspire

October 19, 2023

Creative packaging is an art form that transcends the mundane, turning product presentation into an immersive experience. In this exploration of innovative packaging, we uncover 28 exceptional projects that redefine how we perceive and interact with products.

What is Creative Packaging?

Creative packaging is more than a mere container; it’s a storytelling medium, conveying brand identity and creating memorable consumer experiences. This fusion of aesthetics, functionality, and innovation transforms packaging into a canvas of expression.

1. Beverage Packaging Trends: Unveiling Excellence

  1. The Wine Bag
    Creative Packaging - The Wine Bag

    • Company: A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Prize: Best of Best in Beverage / Packaging

      “Before we created The Wine Bag, we asked ourselves if this is a bag we’d like to be
      seen wearing when walking down the street. Only when the answer from everybody
      was “yei” did we decide on the final outcome. (Plus, it’s a way to carry your wine
      undetected).” – Antonia Skaraki
  2. Blanton’s 2022
    Blanton's 2022 by Coho Creative

    • Company: Coho Creative
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Prize: Best of Best in Beverage / Packaging
  3. Caston Coffee Roasters
    Caston Coffee Roasters by YSFT INC

    • Company: YSFT INC
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Prize: Winner in Beverage / Packaging

      “The C2A Award celebrates not only my design, but the narrative and vision of my client. It stands as a testament to the boundless potential of creativity in elevating everyday life.”
      – Yihuang Zhou
  4. 2:2 Akvavit
    2:2 Akvavit by Aida Pioneer

    • Company: Aida Pioneer
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Prize: Best of Best in Brand design / Branding, Winner in Beverage / Packaging
    • Link: 2:2 Akvavit“It was a challenging task from a quite conservative client – to create something extraordinary and out of the box. That’s what we did – combined two contradictory things – soccer and strong traditional alcohol. And it worked perfectly well because both of these are something very loved in Scandinavia.” – Dzim Apolenis
  5. Uncommon Wines
    Uncommon Wines by M&A Creative Agency

    • Company: M&A Creative Agency
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Prize: Winner in Beverage / Packaging
  6. Fudo Lab Collection
    Fudo Lab Collection by Tsushima Design

  7. Chacui Fruit Tea
    Chacui Fruit Tea by Linshaobin Design Shenzhen

    • Company: Linshaobin Design Shenzhen
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Beverage / Packaging
  8. LIDAO Rice Wine
    LIDAO Rice Wine by Shenzhen Bob Design

    • Company: Shenzhen Bob Design
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Beverage / Packaging
  9. Puncher’s Chance – The Left Cross
    Puncher's Chance - The Left Cross by Coho Creative

    • Company: Coho Creative
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Beverage / Packaging
  10. Puncher’s Chance – The Undisputed
    Puncher's Chance - The Undisputed by Coho Creative

    • Company: Coho Creative
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Beverage / Packaging
  11. Angostura Bitters, Redesign
    Angostura Bitters, Redesign by Concordia University, St. Paul

    • Company: Concordia University, St. Paul
    • Category: Beverage / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Beverage / Packaging

2. Luxury Products Packaging: Where Elegance Meets Design

  1. The Macallan Horizon
    The Macallan Horizon by Master For You Agency

    • Company: Master For You Agency
    • Category: Luxury products / Packaging
    • Status: Best of Best in Luxury products / Packaging
  2. Bochery
    Bochery by A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication

    • Company: A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication
    • Category: Luxury products / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Luxury products / Packaging 

      “We’re very happy about winning with this design. There are details one might overlook if one doesn’t look very carefully. I think we managed to mix equally the two things we wanted: science and art.” – Anotonia Skaraki 

  3. 2020 Pro-Am Invitation and Save the Date Set
    2020 Pro-Am Invitation and Save the Date Set by Applied Underwriters, Inc.

    • Company: Applied Underwriters, Inc.
    • Category: Luxury products / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Luxury products / Packaging

3. Pet Products Packaging: A Treat for Furry Friends

  1. Birdhouse
    Birdhouse by Artcenter College of Design

    • Company: Artcenter College of Design
    • Category: Pet products / Packaging
    • Status: Best of Best in Pet products / Packaging
  2. Pet Pet
    Pet Pet by A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication

    • Company: A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication
    • Category: Pet products / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Pet products / Packaging 

      “It’s one project very close to our hearts and so happy for winning. Long gone are the
      days of over descriptive photos of expensive breeds on pet packages. Here’s to your dog. Here’s to your love. Here’s to the unique-unequivocally-yours Benji, Toby, Bella and Luna.”
      – Antonia Skaraki

4. Food Packaging: Savoring the Art of Design

  1. Mazu Pilgrimage Game – Taiwan Butter Pastry
    Mazu Pilgrimage Game - Taiwan Butter Pastry by Ming Chuan University (creative packaging)

    • Company: Ming Chuan University
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging
  2. Taiwan Peanut Food Packaging Design
    Taiwan peanut food packaging design by Ming Chuan University

    • Company: Ming Chuan University
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging
  3. MZZ Cat Barbecue Packaging
    MZZ CAT BARBECUE by Politecnico Di Milano

    • Company: Politecnico Di Milano
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging
  4. Nutella – Love Me Again
    Love Me Again by Arc'S

    • Company: Arc’S
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging
  5. Quaker Baking and Oat Flour
    Quaker Baking and Oat Flour by SLD

    • Company: SLD
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging
  6. Yogg
    Yogg by A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication

    • Company: A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging 

      “To create an original design for a yogurt brand in Greece is as difficult as designing an
      original pack for crisps in the UK (without eating them). In this busy market we tried to
      break some codes and combine the original with the enticing. Did we make it? Well, it
      seems you thought so, thanks!” – Antonia Skaraki

  7. Nongfuwangtian Chili Sauce
    Nongfuwangtian Chili Sauce by Shenzhen Bob Design

    • Company: Shenzhen Bob Design
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging
  8. Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging Design
    Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging Design by UCSI University

    • Company: UCSI University
    • Category: Food / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Food / Packaging
      “After receiving the C2A award, we are particularly proud of the design and production of the “195 우리밀” biscuits. This project is not just about the product itself, but also reflects our passion for Korean traditional culture and history. Our design inspiration comes from the yuzu, a representative fruit, blending the joyful and romantic atmosphere of Korea, allowing customers to experience rich cultural connotations while enjoying the delicious treats. Our dedication and creativity in the design make each biscuit embody a unique story, evoking precious memories of the yuzu brand’s history.” – Sun Jian, CEO of Sun Design

5. Sustainable Packaging: Paving the Way for a Greener Future

  1. -300s
    -300s by Beijing Institute of Technology

    • Company: Beijing Institute of Technology
    • Category: Sustainable packaging / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Sustainable packaging / Packaging
  2. A Few Lines of Verse and a Can of Burning Solids
    A few lines of verse and a can of burning solids by Ph(D)

    • Company: Ph(D)
    • Category: Sustainable packaging / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Sustainable packaging / Packaging“I’m very excited to be one of the winners in C2A. As a creator, to be favored by the world-class design award C2A, I think this is undoubtedly a great encouragement for my design career.” -Yexin Cai

6. Health Packaging: Nurturing Wellness

  1. Good Life by Gina – The Serum
    Good Life by Gina - The Serum created by A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication

    • Company: A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication
    • Category: Health / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Health / Packaging 

      “Perhaps it’s its mystic balance. Or that it has something hypnotic when you focus on the circle cut by that line. Perhaps it’s because the light dares to bleed out of its defined
      borders. There’s something about this design that mesmerised us while making it. The result was so hypnotic we even imagined we got an award.”
      – Antonia Skaraki

7. Fashion Packaging: Redefining Style

  1. Hiroshima Dentetsu Towel
    Hiroshima Dentetsu Towel by Tsushima Design

    • Company: Tsushima Design
    • Category: Fashion packaging / Packaging
    • Status: Winner in Fashion packaging / Packaging

Creative Packaging: Where Innovation and Aesthetics Converge

These 28 creative packaging projects exemplify diversity and ingenuity within the industry. From beverage trends to sustainable initiatives, each project narrates a unique story through its packaging. As we witness the evolution of packaging design, it’s clear that creativity knows no bounds in this dynamic field.

Embrace the future of creative packaging, where innovation and aesthetics converge to leave a lasting impression on consumers. Explore, be inspired, and let these projects spark your imagination as you navigate the world of creative packaging.

Stay tuned for more updates on the latest trends and innovations in the Creative Communication Award (C2A) community!