Honorable Mention 2021 / Online Media / Other

Platelet-stimulating Agents

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Other / Online Media
  • Company
    Alexander & Turner Inc. Medical Illustration Studio
  • Lead
    Cynthia Turner
  • Team
    Cynthia Turner
  • Client
    Alexander & Turner Inc. Medical Illustration Studio

Self-promotional work for pharmaceutical clients depicting the molecular view of pharmacological support for low platelet counts.Thrombopoietin is the primary stimulator of platelet production. It binds to the extracellular domain of the thrombopoietin receptor on the surface membrane of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. Disease caused by decreased platelet production can be augmented by platelet-stimulating agents. They activate thrombopoietin receptors by interacting with the transmembrane domains, complementing native thrombopoietin and boosting platelet production.

Cynthia Turner is a certified medical illustrator and a Fellow of the Association of Medical Illustrators. Her work focuses on the visual needs of the pharmaceutical and biotech research for their investor and advertising markets. Cynthia is the recipient of the 2014 Brödel Award for Excellence in Education for outstanding educational contributions to the profession of medical illustration and the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award whose extraordinary lifelong contributions to the advancements of medical illustration and scientific knowledge have set the highest standards of the profession.