Honorable Mention 2021 / Books / Catalogs

Show Your Character. Winter 20/21 Collection from Kjus Sportswear

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Catalogs / Books
  • Company
    Haselwanter Grafik Und Design
  • Lead
    Andreas Haselwanter
  • Team
    Andreas Haselwanter, Evelyn Thurner, Nathan Gallagher, Fabian Gattlen, even productions, Lorenz Richard
  • Client

The Collection for Strong Characters. The concept was approached with the proposal of each customer being featured i n their own story, the new collection i tems helping to create their own i dentity within the greater picture. In their story, the mountains are their goal, and the i tems from the new collection ensure the enhancement of their experience, with a range of technologies, innovations, and specific styles worthy of any “hero”. The cover design acts as a striking graphic that builds upon their i mage as the main character, as they reflect upon the task at hand and the challenge ahead

Haselwanter Grafik_und Design ist eine kleine, feine Design- Kreativagentur und erarbeitet für nationale und internationale Markenunter- nehmen zukunftsorientierte Kommunikations- und Gestaltungslösungen.Innerhalb der Bereiche Design, Kunst, Kultur, Kommunikation und Technologie entstehen immer neue Ideen und Konzepte die bei Kundenprojekten ihre Anwendung finden und schon mit diversen nationalen und internationalen Design- und Kommunikationspreisen ausgezeichnet wurden.