Winner 2023 / Books / Art & culture books

Visible: Women in Architecture

  • Prize
    Winner in Art & culture books / Books, Other / Photography, Other typography / Typography
  • University
    Hawk University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim, Faculty of Design
  • Lead
    Ms Prof. Dominika Hasse
  • Team
    Photos: Anke Illing; Design Team: Leonie Benedetto, Nadja Haas, Lena Hoppen, Amanda Kobzan, Lisa Kostyra, Marie Mause, Elea Marie Vorbeck, Fabienne Wendling and Tatjana Rabe
  • Credits
    Printing: Steidl, Göttingen

The book brings together Anke Illings portraits of women from all areas of architecture, from the architectural practice to specialist journalism, from planning to implementation, from urban planning to networking and teaching. Together, students of Editorial Design developed the idea of a text block reminiscent of building structures in order to translate the individuality of the individual female protagonists portrayed in the design. For the title, the idea of the collage was finally convincing: a motif that leaves the necessary space for imagination.