Winner 2023 / Books / Art & culture books

Journey of the Abandoned Deity

  • Prize
    Winner in Art & culture books / Books
  • University
    Ming Chuan University
  • Lead
    Tsai, Yi-Ju
  • Team
    Tsai, Yi-Ju, Tsui, Hao-Chun, Lee, Meng-Hung, Luo, Guan-Lin

The three-volume booklet is about Taiwan's abandoned deities, which were once worshipped but later abandoned. The act of statues being carelessly discarded compelled us to undertake this project and help them find their own place. The red booklet wrapped around the deity statue imagery, referencing the traditional practice of tying red cloth around statues during their transportation. Upon tearing off the cover, the face of the deity is revealed, creating a shocking effect. The grey booklet imitates "spirit money" and is hot stamping with gold leaf to signify reverence for the deities.

The three-volume booklet is about Taiwan's abandoned deities, which were once worshipped but later abandoned. The act of statues being carelessly discarded compelled us to undertake this project and help them find their own place. The red booklet wrapped around the deity statue imagery, referencing the traditional practice of tying red cloth around statues during their transportation. Upon tearing off the cover, the face of the deity is revealed, creating a shocking effect. The grey booklet imitates "spirit money" and is hot stamping with gold leaf to signify reverence for the deities.