Best of Best 2023 / Social Responsibility / Social responsibility Focus

It Takes A Village

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Social responsibility Focus / Social Responsibility
    Winner in Logo design / Branding, Other Graphic Design / Other Graphic Design
  • Company
    Creative Theory Agency
  • Lead
    Brandon Graham
  • Team
    J’Nay Penn, Brandon Graham, Asmara Holmes
  • Client

"It Takes a Village" is commonly associated with creating better opportunities and environments for children.However, it has also been used to highlight the importance of community support and solidarity in the struggle for civil rights and social justice within the context of Black History. African Americans have often had to rely on the strength and support of their communities to overcome challenges and discrimination throughout history.ITAV serves as a positive and inspiring reminder that when we work together as a community, we can achieve great things & create positive change.