Best of Best 2023 / Books / Limited Edition Books

Half a Century of Building Storeys / Un demi-siècle et toujours NEUF

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Limited Edition Books / Books
    Winner in Other books / Books
  • Company
    NEUF architect(e)s
  • Lead
    Annabelle Beauchamp
  • Team
    MARCOM NEUF: Azad Chichmanian, Annabelle Beauchamp, Charlotte Lheureux, André Moscatelli Gomes Da Silva, Ariane Boulanger-Desmarais, Anaïs Durand, Héloïse Gachet, Audrey Ste-Marie, Joe Bush, Melania Grozdanoska
  • Client
    N/A (NEUF architect(e)s)
  • Credits
    Virginie Gosselin

A retrospective book, “Un demi-siècle et toujours NEUF / Half a Century of Building Storeys”, was published for the firm’s 50th anniversary. This imposing tome (26.6 x 21.8 x 5.4 cm) comprises 600 pages of bilingual texts as well as images of the past and the future, all demonstrating the diversity of the firm’s completed projects across Canada, the Americas, in Europe and in Asia. Archives, photographs, anecdotes and interviews retrace the evolution of the organization in parallel with the development of Montreal’s built landscape.