Best of Best 2023 / Advertising / Innovative technologies (VR and other)

The Macallan Horizon

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Innovative technologies (VR and other) / Advertising, Luxury products / Packaging
  • Company
    Master For You Agency
  • Lead
    Jordi Munells
  • Client
    The Macallan
  • Credits
    Videocase by Master For you Agency
  • Video

The Macallan launched a collaboration with Bentley Motors,two brands united by creativity, sustainability and innovation to create Horizon, a whisky prototype. We created a visual piece to communicate the cutting edge innovation of the design, the respect for the materials, and set a new visual edgy world for both brands. This full CGI video depicts heritage and innovation, where the sustainable and innovative materials of the pack (leather,glass, metal, oak) come together to house the new whisky which flies like a mythical creation over The Macallan's land. A creature flying in the "horizon".