Winner 2022 / Advertising / Integrated campaigns

Pratt & Whitney

  • Prize
    Winner in Integrated campaigns / Advertising
  • Company
    Global Strategy Group
  • Lead
    Robert Lee
  • Team
    Robert Lee and Lauren Gould
  • Client
    Pratt & Whitney
  • Video

Pratt & Whitney sought a partner for the development of a bold, high-impact advocacy campaign that would position the F135 Enhanced Engine Package (EEP) as the right choice for both the Pentagon and taxpayers, enabling the company to win a major federal procurement contract. GSG developed an avant-garde “smart decision" campaign with icons including a brain triptych representing 3 core pillars (variant-common, combat-tested, coalition-assured), a brain shape outlined by 700 employees on a runway, and a brain-cloud-friend who communicates core pillars telepathically in an Uber.