Winner 2021 / Packaging / Sustainable packaging

HomeSick cookies

  • Prize
    Winner in Sustainable packaging / Packaging
  • University
    Nanyang Polytechnic
  • Lead
    Jamie Lim Jia Min

COVID-19 is taking a toll on our mental health. HomeSick cookies aims to relieve the times Singaporeans miss doing freely before COVID-19 through relatable storylines. It starts off with the character greeting the user into the story, allowing us to feel personally involved with the visuals around the packaging. It’s also a user-friendly box of cookies, carefully designed with accordion folds, making the packaging compressible for easy retrieval of cookies. Not forgetting the cookie flavours matches with the storylines, injecting fun and joy, putting a smile on one’s face!

Hi I'm Jamie, nice to meet you! I am a graphic designer who is eager to learn and seeking new opportunities to grow myself to be a better designer for you, your team and the world!