Winner 2021 / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars) / Consumer & popular magazines

better than perfect

  • Prize
    Winner in Consumer & popular magazines / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars)
  • Lead
    Gerhard Kirchschläger
  • Team
    Gerhard Kirchschläger, Julia Kirchschläger
  • Client
    Karin Stöttinger
  • Credits
    Photo: Karin Stöttinger

Everything we do or don’t do—good and bad taste is always present. One of Austria’s most successful food blogs—Geschmacksmomente by Karin Stöttinger—focuses on good taste. And this is what her 5th magazine “better than perfect” is all about. The recipes are creative but simple, presented by means of impressive photos and sophisticated typography. The advantages of print over the web are played out haptically and conceptually. The layout plays and breaks with viewing habits, visual tension and surprise accompany the reader through the magazine.