Winner 2021 / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars) / Other

New Year Postcard 2021

  • Prize
    Winner in Other / Other Print (Magazines, Newspapers, Calendars)
  • Company
  • Lead
    Andy Martin
  • Team
    Andy Martin, Lena Shvarova
  • Client

We would like to make new year 2021 more brite and positive than previous. So we designed and printed our new year postcard using silkprint and bronze foil on Gmund Colors paper. Here you can see a lot of symbols of Merry Christmas - home, fireplace, Christmas tree and toy, present, stars, bird and other. To send postcard by post we also developed series of postage stamps. Flip side of postcard contain information about bureaus' services and contacts.

Vision define brand. ODB is St-Petersburg based Brand Bureau. Combining marketing and design, we create brands in which unique content is completed by expressive visual form. We are really in love with brand design, package design, book design and premium printed matter.