Best of Best 2021 / Books / Catalogs

Insecta Iridesse

  • Prize
    Best of Best in Catalogs / Books
    Winner in Digital marketing / Advertising
  • Company
    PLUS Collaboratives
  • Lead
    Cheryl Sim
  • Team
    PLUS Collaboratives
  • Client
    Fujifilm Business Innovation

To showcase Fujifilm’s metallic ink printing, we challenged the industry norm of producing a traditional colour swatch catalog and disrupted the way colours and printing methods are presented. A reimagination of a colour swatch into an explorer’s journal documenting the findings of 3D iridescent gem-like insects showcased the different print effects on different paper stock. These gem-like insects were also made into jewellery to entice, and encourage print industry viewers to come up close to inspect using their trade tool loupe. This generated over S$2 million in sales revenue.