Winner 2020 / Advertising / Direct marketing

Settlements (Favelas)

  • Prize
    Winner in Direct marketing / Advertising
  • Company
  • Lead
    Pancho González
  • Team
    Nico Rubio, Cristián Chávez, Santiago Slatar, Jorge Fajardo, Álvaro González, Carolina Pinheiro, Marcelo Concha, Neil Arce
  • Client
    Techo Latam
  • Credits
    Prójimo, Los Notarios,Fandango, La Motoneta, Deiro
  • Video

Techo Latam is a non-profit organization with the purpose of overcoming poverty in Latin America and thus ending the settlements. To achieve the goal of raising $50K in donations to eradicate them, the creative strategy was to “launch the film” Settlements (Favelas), done by trailers of Latin American film directors, showing the reality of their settlements. To get a ticket, you had to enter the site settlements.techo.org but, at the time of checkout, the film did not exist and the seat was a contribution to Techo Latam. This raised more than $100 K in just a month.

Pancho was awarded an MBA at the Berlin School and is an MBA Professor at Usach. He was formerly a Director at Achap and Director and VP at IAB Chile. He has judged most global festivals, including Cannes, and has been an AME jury chair, while his work has won more than 150 times across all major award schemes.