Honorable Mention 2023 / Branding / Logo design

ILKON. Ilkeston Contemporary Arts

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Logo design / Branding, Brand identity / Branding
  • Company
  • Lead
    Susanne Pinter
  • Team
    Susanne Pinter, Francesca Pinter-Parrott
  • Client
    ILKON. Ilkeston Contemporary Arts
  • Credits
    photos by lee ballard
  • Video

The first step was to establish a name around which the branding strategy could develop. We discovered that Ilkon was an old English word meaning “ everyone” and was used by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Second Nun’s Tale about the life of Saint Cecilia. By coincidence Cecilia is depicted in one of the beautiful stained glass windows in the church. This became the basis of the branding strategy interpreted in a contemporary way fitting with the project aims and building on an inclusive and cohesive theme. For the logo the head and shoulders of Saint Cecilia are incorporated into the O of “ILKON”.