Honorable Mention 2023 / Online Media / Social media experiences

Social media guidelines for Germany-wide education providers

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Social media experiences / Online Media
  • Company
    R211-Agentur Für Kommunikation
  • Lead
    Angela Kettler-Bott
  • Team
    Christoph Bott, Angela Kettler-Bott, Tatiana João
  • Client
    Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V., Bonn

The Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. is the federal association of the state associations of the Adult Education Centres. Its purpose is to promote educational work in the Volkshochschulen (vhs) and to represent the interests of its members and the Volkshochschulen. In order to make it easier for the vhs to use social media and to achieve greater reach for topics and course offerings, R211 was commissioned to develop and implement a social media guide. This not only enables the quick handling of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, but also ensures a homogeneous vhs brand image.

For a good and emotionally built brand identity, our interdisciplinary design team based in Düsseldorf develops holistic brand strategies from concept to implementation. Starting with branding, as an award-winning agency with 10 years of experience, we implement cross-channel projects in line with the brand - from corporate design to print and digital communication.