Front view of the award-winning Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging Design by Jian Sun

Unveiling Creativity: A Conversation with Award-Winning Designer, Jian Sun

Embark on a creative odyssey with Jian Sun, the mastermind behind Sun Design, as we unravel the inspiration, challenges, and triumphs that define his illustrious career. Fresh from his recent win at the 2023 C2A Awards for the “Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging Design,” Jian Sun shares insights into his creative journey and the transformative power of recognition.

Jian Sun: Award-Winning Design Architect

Project: Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging Design
Prize: Winner in Food / Packaging
University: UCSI University
Lead: Jian Sun

This award-winning design weaves a narrative under a grapefruit tree, creating a retro ambiance that connects with the brand’s history. Jian Sun’s creation not only emphasizes recyclable material but also incorporates culture, experience, and context, telling a unique story and forging an emotional connection with customers.

Fun Fact about Jian Sun’s Project:

Did you know that the “Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging Design” draws inspiration from a little girl swinging under a grapefruit tree? This whimsical touch adds a nostalgic charm, evoking a sense of joy and wonder.

Let’s delve deeper into the creative process that brought this enchanting vision to life.

1. Hello Jian Sun. Fresh from your recent win at the C2A Awards, can you share how the recognition has already influenced your perspective on your creative journey or business endeavors?

Winning the C2A award, the professional recognition will affirm and inspire me and my company, potentially boosting confidence and encouraging further innovation and effort. Such honor helps to strengthen the public’s trust in my design works, thus paving the way for future business endeavors.

2. Let’s rewind to your journey through the submission and evaluation process for the C2A Awards. What were the standout moments, challenges, or surprises you encountered?

Due to my knowledge and experience, I didn’t encounter too many obstacles during the C2A award submission process. However, during the evaluation, I was pleasantly surprised and inspired by seeing other outstanding design works. It made me appreciate and respect the work of other designers even more, and it motivated me to constantly strive for excellence in my designs.

3. Creativity is a mystic force. What fuels your imagination, and how do you approach the creative process?

Creativity is an internal force that can be inspired by various factors. My imagination is often sparked by nature, art, culture, and life experiences. When handling the creative process, I typically maintain an open mindset, thoroughly researching and understanding the background and requirements of the project. Additionally, collaborating with a team and continuous experimentation also helps stimulate my creativity, allowing my designs to continually innovate and evolve.

Inside view of the Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging - showcasing the artistry within.

4. Navigating the twists and turns of a creative career often involves overcoming obstacles. What are some of the recent challenges you’ve faced, and how have you tackled them?

Throughout my professional career, I have often encountered various challenges, including time pressure, creative blockages, and issues related to communication and collaboration with team members. I typically approach these challenges with a positive attitude, seeking innovative solutions and working closely with the team to overcome obstacles. Additionally, I prioritize personal development, continuously learning and improving my skills to better adapt and respond to challenges in my career.

5. The ink on your C2A victory is still fresh. In what ways do you anticipate the award impacting your credibility and reputation in the creative industry, and how do you envision leveraging this recognition as you move forward?

Winning the C2A award is an affirmation and encouragement for my work, and I believe it will have a positive impact on my reputation and credibility. This recognition will help me gain more attention and acknowledgment in the creative industry, thus bringing me more collaboration opportunities and project invitations. In the future, I plan to further leverage this recognition to expand my influence, explore more challenging and innovative projects, and collaborate with more outstanding talents to create more impactful works.

6. Networking and collaboration are integral to growth. Have you already seen opportunities or partnerships emerge as a result of your C2A win, and how do you foresee these connections shaping your future in the industry?

Networking and collaboration are indeed indispensable parts of personal and professional growth. Since winning the C2A award, I have begun to experience more collaboration opportunities and potential partnerships. These connections have provided me with opportunities to engage, learn, and collaborate with more outstanding professionals. I believe that through these connections, I will be able to expand my influence and deepen my presence in the industry, thus establishing more meaningful collaborative relationships in the future and contributing more to the industry’s development and innovation.

7. Immediate effects aside, do you foresee winning the C2A Award influencing the demand for your services or products in the near future?

In addition to the immediate impact, winning the C2A award is expected to boost demand for my services or products. This recognition will make my services and products more appealing, thereby attracting more clients and partners. In the early stages, I have noticed an increase in interest and inquiries, indicating further industry attention to my work and services. I look forward to seeing more positive feedback and increased demand in the future.

8. As a recent C2A Award winner, what aspects of the experience have you found most valuable, and would you encourage others in the creative industry to consider participating?

As a recent recipient of the C2A award, I believe one of the most valuable experiences is gaining recognition and affirmation within the industry, which is crucial for personal career development and boosting self-confidence. Additionally, participating in the C2A award has provided me with opportunities to engage and learn from other industry professionals, expanding my professional horizons and sparking more creative inspiration. I encourage others in the creative industry to actively participate in similar award selection activities, as it can not only enhance personal visibility and influence but also inject more vitality into the industry’s development and innovation.

Opened box of Korea 195 Grapefruit Biscuit Packaging Design by Jian Sun.

9. Looking ahead, do you see yourself applying for the next edition of the C2A Awards, and what aspects of the competition would motivate you to participate again?

Looking ahead, I am indeed considering applying for the next C2A award. For me, one of the biggest motivations for participating in the C2A award is gaining the opportunity to engage and learn from peers, as well as showcasing my work and obtaining industry recognition. Additionally, the C2A award provides me with an opportunity to assess my own creative level and professional development, encouraging me to continually improve and strive for excellence in the design field. I look forward to continuing to participate in the selection for the C2A award in the future, seeking more recognition and exhibition opportunities for my work.

10. Staying current is an ongoing challenge. How do you currently keep abreast of new industry trends, and are there any emerging trends you’re excited to incorporate into your work?

Staying up-to-date is indeed an ongoing challenge. Currently, I stay updated with new industry trends by regularly attending industry-related seminars, exhibitions, and research activities, engaging with peers to exchange experiences, and actively keeping an eye on professional publications and academic articles. I am highly interested in incorporating emerging trends into my work because it can bring more innovative elements and inspiration to my designs, while ensuring that my work stays relevant to the contemporary societal needs and aesthetic trends.

11. Future gazing: what plans and aspirations are on the horizon for you, and how do you anticipate your creative journey evolving over time?

Looking ahead, I plan to continue dedicating myself to exploring more innovative design concepts and cutting-edge technologies, striving to enhance my professional skills and creative abilities. I hope to collaborate with more exceptional design teams and professionals to develop influential and sustainable works. I anticipate that over time, my creative journey will continue to integrate the spirit of diverse cultures and interdisciplinary collaboration, exploring more design works with social significance and cultural connotations, bringing people more aesthetic enjoyment and emotional resonance.

12. Zooming in on your recent triumph, what inspired the winning project you submitted to the C2A Awards?

I won the C2A Award last year, which selects outstanding works annually for the competition.

Jian Sun’s Creative Journey: Illuminating the Path Ahead

Jian Sun’s recent triumph at the C2A Awards not only celebrates his design prowess but also unveils a journey marked by creativity, collaboration, and continuous growth. As we zoom in on his recent triumph, we discover a designer with a vision for the future and an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity. With each accolade, Jian Sun illuminates the path for aspiring designers, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of the creative industry.


More about Jian Sun and the Project:

C2A – Jian Sun (UCSI University) – Winner in Food / Packaging

Project Video

Other C2A Winners:

2023 C2A Winners