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Vi sono differenti offerte che spiccano tra l’elenco dei migliori bonus casinò in Italia. Nella maggior parte dei casi si tratta di offerte benvenuto dedicate ai nuovi iscritti. In linea di massima, consigliamo sempre di andare a valutare personalmente controllando i termini del regolamento. Nella fattispecie, oltre all’ammontare della somma bonus, verificate la validità temporale e le condizioni di bankroll necessarie allo sblocco della promozione. Ciascuna delle opzioni che vi abbiamo qui presentato è caratterizzata da specifiche caratteristiche. Esse consistono principalmente in variegati massimali di deposito e prelievo, nonché da tempistiche differenti per l’elaborazione delle vostre richieste.
Vi sarà probabilmente già capitato di sentire storie di giocatori che hanno avuto la sfortuna di giocare su casinò sospetti e poco affidabili. Questi operatori rappresentavano una minaccia per la sicurezza dei player online a causa delle loro pratiche illegali. Grazie alla rigida legislazione che è stata applicata in Italia in seguito alle prime truffe online, possiamo affermare oggi che se un sito possiede la licenza AAMS (oggi ADM), i suoi standard di sicurezza sono certamente elevati. In generale, i nuovi casinò tendono ad offrire una migliore varietà se siete alla ricerca delle ultime uscite. Tra le principali varianti disponibili in rete troviamo le roulette americana, europea e francese, che sono presenti nei cataloghi di tutti i migliori casinò con roulette sia in versione RNG che live. Da quando i device portatili sono diventati delle vere e proprie appendici del nostro corpo, c’è stato anche il boom dei casinò online mobile.
Per una visione più dettagliata, vi consigliamo di consultare le singole recensioni dei casinò online. Se è vero che le Slot Machine rappresentano la categoria d’azzardo con l’assortimento più vasto nei casinò online Italia, è altrettanto vero che anche i giochi da tavolo hanno un seguito piuttosto ampio. Roulette e Blackjack sono due grandi classici di successo e per tale motivo sono offerti dagli allibratori in numerose varianti. Faremo del nostro meglio per aggiornare regolarmente questo elenco in modo che sappiate quali sono gli operatori da evitare. Ci sono molte ragioni per cui un sito può finire sulla lista nera, e non tutte sono legate alla truffa.
Questi vengono generalmente forniti da società di sviluppo software, che a volte possono essere responsabili della manutenzione dell’intero progetto. In precedenza abbiamo fatto una sintetica lista dei migliori casinò italiani per payout, ovviamente distinguendoli a seconda della tipologia di giochi presi di volta in volta in esame. Abbiamo così notato che Eurobet è il più conveniente per le slot, mentre SNAI è imbattibile sui giochi live.
Al primo posto per popolarità, tra i giochi casinò online italiani, si piazzano senza ombra di dubbio le Slot Machine. Vi basta dare una veloce occhiata sui cataloghi degli allibratori per rendervi conto di quanto l’offerta di macchine a rullo sia molto più estesa degli altri giochi in lista. Sicuramente la facilità di gioco è uno dei motivi che ha decretato il successo di questi articoli. Dopo aver effettuato diversi test ed aver analizzato i dati delle nostre ricerche, abbiamo potuto stilare la top 10 dei siti di casinò online in Italia legali e sicuri.
Anche se esistono versioni demo di quasi tutti i titoli ludici, tutti i casinò virtuali danno la possibilità di investire denaro reale, con giochi ad alte e basse puntate, a seconda delle preferenze degli utenti. Dato che stiamo parlando di licenze, ora è il momento perfetto per dedicare un minuto e discutere la questione della sicurezza durante i giochi online. Come probabilmente potresti immaginare, alcuni truffatori si camuffano da casinò legittimi per rubare i dettagli personali o bancari di giocatori ignari. La maggior parte dei giocatori italiani preferisce però ricaricare il proprio conto di gioco e, dopo essersi assicurato che l’operatore online sia sicuro, avere accesso a tutti i titoli a disposizione. Il bonus di benvenuto può rappresentare un contributo importante per il vostro bankroll, visto che tanti casinò online AAMS arrivano a raddoppiare il vostro primo deposito con una somma omaggio. Il bingo è un gioco molto popolare nei paesi anglosassoni, in particolare in Inghilterra.
Vennero introdotti proprio in quell’anno insieme alle poker room, in conseguenza della liberalizzazione del gioco online. I giocatori italiani possono scegliere tra un gran numero di operatori autorizzati e affidabili. Forniamo recensioni imparziali basate sui dati di tutti gli operatori di fiducia che permettono al giocatore occasionale di scegliere i migliori siti di casinò. Vi confermiamo dunque che non solo potete giocare da tablet e smartphone ma che potete farlo anche meglio da questi apparecchi portatili che da pc desktop.
Tutti i nomi che abbiamo inserito in questa lista sono di certo familiari ai giocatori italiani. La reputazione è un fattore importante, ma solo se l’operatore ha superato tutti i controlli necessari. I severi standard di sicurezza imposti dai requisiti di ADM per il rilascio di una licenza sono una buona notizia per tutti i giocatori d’azzardo online, in quanto garantiscono che possiamo godere del nostro hobby in un ambiente sicuro. Infatti nel 2011 il gioco d’azzardo telematico è stato regolamentato in tutti i suoi dettagli e gli operatori che abbiamo recensito in queste pagine sono perfettamente legali.
Quando si parla di gioco online è fondamentale che si venga a creare un rapporto di fiducia tra giocatori e operatori. Come abbiamo già detto, queste aziende hanno bisogno di gestire informazioni sensibili come nomi, indirizzi e dettagli del conto bancario, il che le rende un bersaglio primario per azioni illegali da parte di hacker e altri malintenzionati. Attualmente, tutti i casinò online top 10 che raccomandiamo utilizzano la crittografia SSL a 256 bit, una garanzia che tutti i vostri dati siano tenuti al sicuro e al riparo da occhi indiscreti. Questo è il motivo per cui cerchiamo di raccogliere quante più informazioni possibili e aiutarvi ad avere una visione d’insieme. Alcuni giocatori scelgono di concentrarsi giochi specifici, ma la nostra metodologia metodologia di analisi punta a determinare i migliori casinò online in base alla media dei payouts.
Tantissime le macchinette online degne di menzione, ma a nostro avviso la più bella di tutte è Starburst della NetEnt che potete trovare su Unibet, il miglior sito slot Italia. Nella tabella qui sopra vi mostriamo tutti i diversi metodi di contatto che possono essere utilizzati per comunicare con gli esperti dell’assistenza clienti. Avere la possibilità di scegliere quello più adatto alla situazione rappresenta un grande vantaggio. Per questo motivo cerchiamo di raccomandare casinò in linea che presentano almeno queste tre opzioni. Negli ultimi anni Evolution Gaming si è affermato come sviluppatore di software per casinò dal vivo più rinomato e affidabile.
La normativa vigente in termini di gioco d’azzardo è stata ulteriormente modificata nel 2019 con l’introduzione del decreto dignità, che era già stato promulgato l’anno precedente. Questa legge, introdotta dal Movimento 5 Stelle, vieta ogni forma di attività promozionale relativa ai casinò online e ai siti di scommesse sportive. I migliori casinò online Italia che vi abbiamo segnalato in questa pagina ovviamente rispettano gli standard imposti dalla normativa nazionale. Non per nulla hanno regolare licenza rilasciata dopo gli opportuni controlli da AAMS (oggi ADM). A ciò si aggiungono le autorizzazioni ricevute da enti esterni, come la testing agency eCOGRA.
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We are delighted to announce the release of the Creative Communication Book 2023, showcasing the winners of the 2023 edition. This book, now available for print-on-demand, allows creative professionals and enthusiasts worldwide to own a collection of the most innovative and influential projects of the year.
The Creative Communication Book 2023 celebrates the incredible talent and groundbreaking efforts from around the world. Selected by our respected C2A jury, the projects highlighted are the winners of the fifth Creative Communication Awards. Covering amazing design ideas, cutting-edge advertising campaigns, digital media advances, and innovative branding strategies, this book covers the best of effective communication in various areas.
We are committed to making inspiration accessible to all. In our effort to keep the Creative Communication Book 2023 affordable, we have bypassed traditional publishing expenses. This approach ensures that there are only printing and shipping costs involved, allowing you to obtain a high-quality book without the high price tag.
We’ve partnered with Lulu, a leading print-on-demand service, to make ordering your copy of the Creative Communication Book 2023 easy and straightforward.
This print-on-demand approach is designed to be an affordable and easy way for everyone, from industry professionals to creative enthusiasts, to access this collection of award-winning projects. Each page showcases the hard work, skill, and creative thinking of the people and teams behind these exceptional pieces.
The Creative Communication Book 2023 is meant to be a lasting source of inspiration and a showcase of the power of good communication. Whether you’re looking for new ideas, advanced techniques, or simply want to immerse yourself in the world of creativity, this book will surely capture your imagination.
By ordering the Creative Communication Book 2023, you’re starting a visual journey through the creativity of some of the most talented individuals in the world. It celebrates their dedication to excellence and their efforts to expand what’s possible in communication.
We warmly invite you to grab this opportunity and get your copy of the Creative Communication Book 2023 today. By eliminating the usual extra costs of book production, we’ve made sure the book is accessible and affordable for all.
Stay close to the Creative Communication Awards (C2A) for more updates, events, and innovative projects that continue to change the communication scene. We’re excited to have you join us in this journey of creativity and innovation.
Visit LULU – C2A Winners Book 2023 to order your copy now and explore the extraordinary world of Creative Communication!
Register for C2A 2024 here.
Communication Design is an indispensable discipline in the ever-changing landscape of design, particularly for creatives, designers, and esteemed design firms. This specialized art form revolves around the meticulous craft of forging meaningful connections through visuals, where each design element serves as a storyteller weaving a compelling narrative. If the interplay of graphics, colors, and messages captivates your curiosity, you’ve officially stepped into the captivating realm of Communication Design.
Communication Design orchestrates a harmonious visual experience, involving graphic design, visual communication, branding strategies, and design principles. Mastering this symphony is essential for creating cohesive and engaging communication pieces, whether you’re an individual creator, part of a design team, or associated with esteemed design entities.
For a deeper dive into the intricate world of communication design, explore this valuable Wikipedia article that unveils insights into various aspects and techniques used in the field.
A logo transcends being a mere symbol; it becomes a vessel encapsulating the essence, values, and personality of a brand. As Sagig Haviv, the revered logo prodigy in New York, aptly states, a logo’s primary function is to distinctly “identify” a brand. Much like punctuation concludes a sentence, a well-crafted logo summarizes the brand’s character in a visually compelling and memorable manner.
Thriving in communication design requires a diverse skill set, encompassing proficiency in graphic design, a deep understanding of visual communication, and mastery of branding strategies. It demands an eye for detail, creativity, and the ability to translate concepts into compelling visuals, setting apart creators, designers, and professionals associated with prominent design entities.
For those immersed in the world of creativity and design, the primary role of a communication designer is to visually convey a message or story. Be it through website design, advertisements, or branding materials, the communication designer ensures that visual elements effectively communicate the intended message to the target audience.
Visual communication designers are the storytellers using visuals as their language. They create engaging designs for various mediums, incorporating design principles and branding strategies to convey a specific message. Their work, whether it be website layouts or marketing collateral, is a blend of artistry and strategic communication. This approach is particularly valuable for creatives, designers, and bigger and esteemed design firms.
To witness outstanding examples of Communication Design, explore the Creative Communication Award winners. These winning designs exemplify the power of communication design in crafting visually compelling messages, showcasing the pinnacle of creativity and strategic thinking.
While graphic designers focus primarily on creating visually appealing graphics, communication designers go beyond aesthetics. They strategically use visuals to communicate messages, ensuring that every design element serves a purpose in conveying the intended message. This distinction is crucial for those deeply involved in creativity and design, emphasizing the broader narrative communicated through every design element.
A brand’s website, a testament to communication design in practice, harmoniously blends layout, color scheme, typography, and imagery. For creators, designers, and professionals associated with prominent design entities, this visual representation effectively captures a brand’s identity and values, creating a compelling user experience.
Communication designers leverage various resources—graphic design software, studies on color psychology, and interactive media tools—to enhance their work. Actively exploring and utilizing these resources is essential for effective communication design, offering endless possibilities for creators, designers, and professionals associated with esteemed design entities.
For those shaping corporate identities, communication design involves creating a consistent visual identity. This extends to designing logos, brand guidelines, and marketing materials, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable brand image across all touchpoints.
Product design centers on creating tangible products, while communication design focuses on crafting visual messages. For creatives, product design is primarily concerned with functionality, while communication design is about effectively conveying a story or message through visuals.
Advancements in AI technology have impacted various fields, but communication design still requires a human touch. The creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence embedded in the work of communication designers make it a domain where human expertise remains irreplaceable.
As technology continues to evolve, the future of communication design holds exciting possibilities. Augmented reality, immersive experiences, and innovative design technologies will likely shape how communication designers visually tell stories. For creatives, embracing these advancements will be crucial for staying at the forefront of communication design.
Overall, communication design is a powerful tool for creating meaningful connections in today’s visually driven world. From logos to websites, communication designers play a vital role in shaping how messages are communicated. For creatives, and designers, understanding and harnessing the fusion of creativity and strategic thinking will be the key to achieving effective communication design in the future.
In the ever-changing field of creative communication, branding is the foundation of identity and connection. It’s more than just visual design; it captures the essence and spirit of a concept, product, or even an entire city. Exploring the world of branding leads us into a journey of inspiration through 45 award-winning projects that push the limits of creativity.
Our journey into the heart of innovation takes center stage with the celebration of 45 remarkable branding projects honored by the Creative Communication Awards (C2A). Each branding project, a tribute to the power of creativity, tells a unique story that has earned its spot among the best in branding. Let’s explore the diverse range of these branding projects, where strategic brilliance and design innovation come together to create lasting impressions.
Best of Best in Brand design / Branding
Gateway Newark, honored with the “Best of Best in Brand Design/Branding” at the Creative Communication Awards (C2A), is a Gensler masterpiece led by Brian Brindisi and Beth Novitsky. Crafted for Onyx Equities, LLC, this project revitalized Newark with a robust brand identity, incorporating vibrant marking and integrated placemaking.
The campaign, “Where Newark Comes Together,” reflects the city’s diversity, becoming a convergence point for culture, transit, and technology. Utilized as an environmental graphics program during construction, Gateway Newark transforms empty spaces into engaging showcases, embodying innovation in branding projects.
Best of Best in Other / Branding
Factory’s exceptional work on the ADM Show 2022: & Beyond has earned the prestigious Best of Best award in the Other/Branding category. Led by Roy Wang and his team, including Chrystal Lim, Tamelia Lim, and Sandra Lau, Factory designed the festival to showcase the creativity and innovation of graduates from the Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design & Media.
In a year marked by global adaptation to new ways of life, the ADM Show 2022 presented a platform for graduates to challenge the status quo and propose creative solutions for societal progress. Factory’s thoughtful approach and impactful design have set a new standard in the realm of branding, making them the Best of Best in the field.
Best of Best in Brand identity / Branding
NakedLab’s renaissance into a premier wellness brand, orchestrated by THE CABINET, clinched the coveted “Best of Best in Brand Identity/Branding” at C2A. Helmed by Malou Ko, THE CABINET’s creative touch turned the founder’s love for the Maldives into a visual symphony, infusing beach and ocean elements into the brand.
The rebranding narrative extends beyond aesthetics, with the tagline “Having a Blissful Day Everyday” promising tangible results from NakedLab products. The logo’s softer handwriting style and graphic elements, resembling an inviting arch, create a visual journey toward comfort and leisure.
Malou Ko’s 15 years of award-winning expertise, working with global giants like Standard Chartered and Ralph Lauren, amplifies the value of NakedLab’s transformation. This rebranding story not only showcases visual elegance but also invites readers into a narrative of relaxation and everyday bliss, making NakedLab a standout in the world of branding projects.
Best of Best in Promotional items / Branding
The Monarch at HALL Park, a beacon of excellence in promotional items and branding secured the prestigious “Best of Best” accolade at the Creative Communication Awards (C2A). Crafted by the masterful team at RSM Design, led by Harry Mark FAIA and supported by the creative prowess of Steve Luoma and Xian Wong, this project epitomizes the seamless fusion of lifestyle, culture, and luxury.
Nestled in the suburban oasis of Frisco, The Monarch emerges as a vibrant burst of color amid nature’s serene canopy. It redefines living with a unique blend of convenience and culture, offering resort-style amenities and a daily immersion into art, culture, and nature. The Monarch becomes more than a residence; it embodies a holistic approach to balanced living.
RSM Design, with Harry Mark FAIA at the helm, curated the brand identity, website design, print and digital applications, and a stationery suite for The Monarch. The result is a visual symphony that not only captures the essence of this luxurious haven but also reflects the lifestyle it promises.
In the world of branding projects, The Monarch at HALL Park shines as a testament to the harmonious integration of design, lifestyle, and luxury.
Best of Best in Brand design / Branding
2:2 Akvavit, a triumph in brand design and winner in beverage packaging, secured the coveted “Best of Best” at the Creative Communication Awards (C2A). Crafted by the innovative team at Aida Pioneer, led by Dzmitry Apolenis, this project is a modern take on traditional Scandinavian akvavit.
Commissioned by Mikkelsen Distillery, the task was to create a concept inspired by the score of Scandinavian friendship. The idea stems from a real story during Euro 2004, where the teams of Sweden and Denmark, in a decisive match, both advanced to the playoffs with a 2:2 result, showcasing the Scandinavian art of negotiating.
The label of 2:2 Akvavit captures this historical moment, symbolizing camaraderie and the art of finding common ground. Aida Pioneer’s innovative approach not only elevates the brand but also pays homage to a significant chapter in Scandinavian sportsmanship. In the world of branding, 2:2 Akvavit stands tall as a celebration of tradition, friendship, and the art of negotiation.
Winner in Logo design / Branding
“It Takes A Village,” a beacon of social responsibility, clinched the esteemed “Best of Best” at the Creative Communication Awards (C2A). Crafted by the passionate team at Creative Theory Agency, led by Brandon Graham and supported by the creative prowess of J’Nay Penn and Asmara Holmes, this project is a testament to the power of community support and solidarity.
Commissioned by Google, the project draws inspiration from the phrase “It Takes a Village,” traditionally associated with creating better opportunities and environments for children. However, within the context of Black History, it extends to highlight the vital role of community support in the struggle for civil rights and social justice. African Americans have historically relied on the strength and support of their communities to overcome challenges and discrimination.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Caston Coffee Roasters, a triumph in typefaces and winner in brand identity and beverage packaging, earned the prestigious “Best of Best” at the Creative Communication Awards (C2A). Crafted by the talented team at YSFT INC, led by Yihuang Zhou and supported by designer Yixuan Cao, this project marks a significant step for Caston as it ventures into the consumer-facing market.
Based in a quaint town in China, Caston is a local coffee roastery with a robust B2B business, and YSFT was tasked with ushering Caston into a new era. The bespoke typeface, designed by Yihuang Zhou, features playful ligatures that symbolize using coffee to connect people and communities.
The incorporation of a bright lime color ensures eye-catching shelf presence, making Caston stand out in the market. To streamline packaging across the diverse product lineup, a sticker system was innovatively developed, allowing for easy customization by the internal team.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding, Brand design / Branding
Crafted by the innovative minds at Milkshake Studio, led by Alex Martineau and Simon Goetz, and supported by a talented team including Noora Manchanda, Xochitl Lozano, Brenan Stetzer, and Ruairi Conway, this project is a transformative journey for Mash.
Positioned as a monetization toolkit for creators, media companies, and digital apps, Mash identified a market problem—overreliance on subscriptions and digital ads for monetization. With a vision for a more engaging solution that involves the audience, Mash approached Milkshake Studio for a brand and website overhaul.
Milkshake Studio stepped in at a crucial time when Mash’s product garnered immense interest, yet their brand and website fell short of reflecting their identity. The goals were clear—to create a future-forward and flexible brand, accompanied by a dynamic website that would resonate with their audience.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Récréation, a winner in brochures/books and brand identity, stands as a testament to creativity in Quebec City’s communication and design landscape. Led by the dynamic team at Récréation, including Art Director Catherine Lemieux and Graphic Designer Émilie Turcotte, the agency embarked on a transformative journey after a decade in the industry.
Récréation, which translates to “recess” in French, symbolizes a new chapter for the agency, one where rules are rewritten to secure victory. The brand embodies the current and future team robustly, offering a space where creativity knows no bounds—a playground where fresh, smart, and surprising ideas come to life.
Winner in Catalogs / Books, Promotional items / Branding
The Volkswagen Lookbook 4 “LOVE & PEACE,” a winner in catalogs/books and promotional items, is a visual masterpiece crafted by Klaus Trommer Design. Led by the visionary Klaus Trommer and supported by a talented team including Hauke Wilkens, Heike Nürnberger, Kai-Uwe Knoth, and Norbert Rieckhoff, this project pays homage to the “Love & Peace” generation and the iconic Woodstock festival.
Commissioned by Volkswagen Zubehör GmbH, the Lookbook 4 is a curated collection of illustrations, graphics, 3D visuals, and photographs. Exclusively distributed by Volkswagen to support licensees with merchandise artwork, this special book captures the essence of the 1970s—the “groovy” feeling of vibrance, fun, and happiness.
Each artwork catalogue is adorned with an individual, handmade book jacket and a pin button featuring Volkswagen’s original seventies retro logo. Klaus Trommer Design, specializing in visual artwork, has created a timeless tribute to an era known for its cultural impact and free-spirited ethos.
Winner in Brand Activation / Branding
The New Brand Activation for The San Antonio Philharmonic, a winner in Brand Activation, stands as a testament to the transformative power of branding. Crafted by the innovative minds at Robot Creative, led by Mandy Dixon, this project was commissioned by the newly formed musician-led orchestra, The San Antonio Philharmonic.
To develop a new brand project and gain visibility to support their inaugural season, the San Antonio Philharmonic approached Robot Creative. In an astounding feat, Robot Creative completed the brand project launch within a mere 60 days, a process that typically takes months. The results were beyond expectations, with leaders reporting exceeding ticket sales in a short timeframe.
The new brand identity not only accelerated ticket sales but also resonated with musicians, supporters, and the local community. It better reflected the rich history, culture, and diversity of the San Antonio community, making symphonic music more accessible to a highly diverse audience.
Winner in Brand Activation / Branding
G2E: Gaming Unleashed, a standout in Brand Activation and Branding, is a triumph crafted by NJI. Led by Dale Campbell and supported by a talented team including Alex Sundra, Bill Risen, and Ryan Raybould, this project was commissioned by the Global Gaming Expo (G2E), the premier trade event for the global casino gaming industry.
G2E, boasting over 200 exhibitors and attracting over 20,000 attendees, turned to NJI to build a brand that captures the innovation and evolving landscape of the industry. Encompassing sports betting, online gaming, financial technology, and an expanding field of casino operations, the new brand needed to mirror the dynamic nature of the gaming world.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
Effect Audio, renowned for precision engineering and high-quality sound, embarked on a transformative journey with Lively Green Strategic Design to enhance its brand experience. The project, a winner in Brand Design and a standout in the realm of branding projects was led by the visionary Jeff Au.
Effect Audio, manufacturing some of the world’s most expensive audio equipment, faced a challenge with audience misinterpretation of its logo. The unclear ‘E’ led to the brand name being perceived as ‘Ffect Audio.’ Additionally, EffectAudio sought a coherent brand experience that would truly reflect its commitment to audio perfection.
Lively Green Strategic Design undertook a simplification of the brand language, resulting in a new slogan and tagline that emphasized Effect Audio’s outstanding, expansive sound. This strategic shift not only addressed logo clarity but also positioned the brand for the future with a robust product structure.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
Grand Chasseral, a triumph in Brand Design and a standout in the world of branding projects, was brought to life by the creative minds at Stractis. Led by Sebastien Canepa and supported by Bruce Rennes, this project was commissioned by the Fondation pour le rayonnement du Jura bernois.
Given the creative brief to craft a logo resonating with simplicity while being rooted in nature and embracing cutting-edge technology, Stractis embarked on a journey to establish a visual identity for the Swiss region of Bernese Jura. Remarkably, this region had never had its own distinct visual identity before.
The resulting logo serves as a common denominator in image and communication for the region. It not only captures the essence of nature and the future but also pays homage to the local foods, including the renowned Tête de Moine cheese, and highlights the precision industry expertise that the region is globally acclaimed for. Grand Chasseral’s visual identity, crafted by Stractis, is a shining example of how design can unite diverse elements and showcase the unique qualities of a region through a cohesive and impactful brand identity.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung’s 50th-anniversary celebration, a winner in Brand Design and a standout in the realm of Branding projects was brought to life by the visionary team at Jäger & Jäger. Led by Olaf Jäger and supported by Regina Jäger, Tanja Weich, Reinhard Thomas, and Nico Nolle, this project was commissioned by the esteemed Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung.
The campaign image for this milestone year is a dynamic fusion of an fz as a musical exclamation mark, symbolizing forzando—a sudden, powerful accent in music. The visual impact is amplified by a fireworks display of stacked, award-winning scores from the past 50 years—an explosive celebration of musical excellence. BÄÄÄM!
Winner in Brand design / Branding
The 19 Town-Brand Design, a triumph in Brand Design and a shining example in the world of branding projects, is a creation by the talented lead designer, Lu Huang. Commissioned by 19 Town, a contemporary Chinese restaurant and lounge bar situated in Los Angeles, California, this project challenges preconceived notions of Chinese cuisine.
The restaurant’s name, “19/nineteen,” cleverly plays on words, as it is a homophone for the Chinese words for “food” and “drink.” Reflecting the inclusivity of Southern California and the hospitality of Chinese culture, 19 Town’s brand values are deeply embedded in its visual identity.
To innovate, embrace, and connect, 19 Town’s aesthetics showcase a minimalist design emphasizing geometric balance. This design choice signifies global influences and a futuristic outlook for Chinese restaurants, breaking away from traditional stereotypes. In the realm of Branding projects, the 19 Town-Brand Design stands as a testament to the power of visual language in challenging perceptions and creating a contemporary and inviting brand experience for a modern Chinese dining experience.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
The Askin’ Lu- Brand Design, a standout in Brand Design and a remarkable achievement in the realm of branding projects, was brought to life under the creative leadership of Lu Huang. This project was commissioned by Chan Lu Yoyo Trading Co., Ltd (Beijing) for their children’s clothing brand, Askin’ Lu.
Askin’ Lu, based in Beijing, China, is dedicated to crafting high-quality, skin-friendly traditional clothes for kids. The brand’s unique identity is defined by its signature color, China Red, which embodies the essence of Chinese culture and symbolizes good fortune. The logo features a nostalgic-styled girl, and the brand patterns showcase intricate Chinese flowers.
Taking packaging to the next level, Askin’ Lu employs letterpress techniques to print their packages, adding a touch of elegance. By incorporating traditional elements and techniques, the brand showcases a deep appreciation for delicate Chinese aesthetics.
Winner in Brand design / Branding, Corporate identity / Branding
The Soul- Brand Design and Corporate Identity, a double winner in Brand Design and Corporate Identity within the realm of branding projects, is a masterpiece crafted by Aida Pioneer. Led by the talented Dzmitry Apolenis, this project was commissioned by Soul, a producer of natural plant extracts.
Soul’s scope encompassed the brand idea, name, identity, and package design. The concept revolves around the notion that all living things have a soul, and for plants, their soul is embodied in their natural extracts. The central element of the new identity is a slim golden nimbus—a powerful symbol representing utility and purity.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
The Loud Cafe Brand Design was a solo endeavor led by the talented Peiyao(Heather) Tang. Commissioned by LOUD CAFE, a local coffee shop, this project aimed to create a welcoming brand identity, overcoming challenges posed by the pandemic.
Despite the limitations of communicating solely over the phone with the customer and interior designer, Peiyao(Heather) Tang successfully crafted a visually appealing brand identity. The circular pattern and the name “LOUD CAFE” draw inspiration from the area’s traditional feel, reflecting the cafe’s roots in the local community.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
The KHASA M Brand Design, a winner in Brand Design was another solo triumph led by the talented Peiyao(Heather) Tang. This branding project was commissioned by KHASA M, a fashion brand inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy and dedicated to embodying women’s freedom and authenticity.
Taking inspiration from the cheetah, an ancient Egyptian cat deity symbolizing feminine strength, KHASA M’s brand name reflects its commitment to empowering women. Despite challenges posed by time zones and the pandemic, Peiyao(Heather) Tang overcame them with thoughtful design choices, using serif typefaces to eloquently convey the brand’s narrative.
The brand’s chosen color, red, symbolizes maturity and independence, further reinforcing its values.
Winner in Brand design / Branding, Brand identity / Branding
The Wind River 02 Spa is a masterpiece crafted by the talented duo Meaghan Barry and Lilian Crum at Unsold Studio. Commissioned by Audrey Wallace, the owner of Wind River 02 Spa, this branding project beautifully captures the essence of luxury while honoring its blue-collar home in Pinedale, Wyoming.
Wind River 02 Spa stands as a haven in the small town, catering to both locals and tourists, as well as men and women seeking recovery, muscle healing, or simply a place to rest and recharge. Owned and operated by locals, the spa is deeply rooted in the Pinedale community, providing a “breath of fresh air” while seamlessly blending into the natural landscape.
Winner in Brand design / Branding, Logo design / Branding, Brand identity / Branding
The Springboard is a brilliant creation by Milkshake Studio. Led by the accomplished Alex Martineau and supported by the talented team comprising Simon Goetz, Noora Manchanda, Xochitl Lozano, Brenan Stetzer, and Ruairi Conway, this project was commissioned by Springboard, an online learning platform with a mission to revolutionize online education.
Springboard aims to connect learners to an innovative online learning model, breaking free from the constraints and inequalities of traditional education. In the fiercely competitive market, the platform sought a rebrand that would equip them with the tools to connect with a broader audience.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
The 4DT, a winner in Brand Design, is a testament to the creative prowess of Pragma. Under the leadership of Jonathan Quesnel, this project was commissioned by 4DT, a consulting company specializing in design thinking services.
4DT’s founder sought to update the visual identity in alignment with the evolution of the company’s offerings. Pragma Creation rose to the challenge, crafting a new identity that mirrors 4DT’s approach—dynamic, innovative in color palette, and seemingly simple yet the result of a strategic and skillful execution.
The visual identity features a unique symbol, a dynamic “4” built from the two capital letters “D” and “T,” representing Design Thinking. This symbol not only encapsulates the essence of the company but also serves as a recognizable and versatile element, especially on social networks.
Winner in Brand design / Branding
The House of Toys, a winner in Brand Design, is a project crafted by Kreo Design. Under the leadership of Darshita Thaker, this project was commissioned by Tablez, part of the Lulu International Group, for “House of Toys,” India’s first kids’ superstore.
Kreo Design embarked on the mission to create an iconic brand identity for House of Toys, positioning it as a progressive, global, and advanced kids’ brand for active engagement. The design journey began with the creation of a memorable and dynamic identity, featuring an iconic ‘smiley’ mnemonic as part of the logo.
Winner in Brand design / Branding, Brand identity / Branding
The Craft Digital Brand Experience, a multi-category winner in Brand Design, Brand Identity, Websites, User Experience Design, and User Interface Design within the realm of Branding projects, is a remarkable achievement by Ryze Agency. Under the leadership of David Smith, this branding project was commissioned by Craft, a Miami-based private jet charter company.
Craft aimed to provide a private flight experience that surpasses the highest expectations of the world’s most discerning customers. Recognizing the need for a new brand and online presence to reintroduce their offering and align their brand perception with their values and service, Craft partnered with Ryze Agency.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
The City Colleges of Chicago Rebrand, a winner in Brand Identity within the realm of branding projects, is a transformative endeavor led by Simple Truth Communication Partners Inc. Under the guidance of Kim Terzis, this project was commissioned by the City Colleges of Chicago.
Recognizing the need for a cohesive and impactful brand identity that connects the entire system while allowing each college to express its unique culture, Simple Truth Communication Partners worked closely with stakeholders at the district and community college levels. The result is an architecture that ties the entire brand system together, giving each college distinct personality traits and cultural drivers.
The brand identity and expression system crafted by Simple Truth Communication Partners is dynamic, on the move, and full of heart. This approach allows each college to maintain its individuality while contributing to a unified system that is seven strong. The impact of this rebranding effort is evident in the enrollment success, with a remarkable +6.9% year-over-year growth, surpassing Illinois community college and national averages.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
The HALL Park is a testament to thoughtful design led by RSM Design. Under the leadership of Harry Mark, FAIA, this project was commissioned by the HALL Park Group to bring to life a unique retreat amidst the suburban landscape of Frisco, Texas.
HALL Park stands as a distinctive space that harmoniously combines work, living, and community, aiming to become a civic legacy for the future. RSM Design’s design team was entrusted with the task of materializing the vision of HALL Park through comprehensive branding and marketing efforts.
The result is a meticulously crafted brand strategy and brand identity, and a suite of print and digital applications, including website design and a stationery suite.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
The MetroPlusHealth Brand Identity Campaign, a winner in Brand Identity, is a striking manifestation of thoughtful design led by Bellweather Agency. Under the leadership of Emily Lessard, this branding project was commissioned by MetroPlusHealth.
The new MetroPlusHealth brand identity stands as a testament to a health insurance plan designed for New Yorkers by New Yorkers, prioritizing people over profit. Bellweather Agency’s expertise in crafting a compelling brand identity is evident in the impactful and purpose-driven campaign that communicates the essence of MetroPlusHealth as a healthcare solution rooted in community and care. In the world of Branding projects, the MetroPlusHealth Brand Identity Campaign shines as an example of design that goes beyond aesthetics, creating a meaningful connection with its audience and reflecting the values of the community it serves.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
In the landscape of branding projects, the FIM (Flint Institute of Music) stands out as a transformative force in the performing arts, marked by a compelling brand identity campaign led by Minelli, Inc. Under the guidance of Mark Minelli, this project was commissioned by FIM, a dynamic producer and presenter of the performing arts based in Flint, MI.
In 2021, FIM expanded its reach to encompass two of Flint’s prominent venues: Whiting Auditorium and Capitol Theatre. It was at this pivotal juncture that Minelli, Inc. was entrusted with the task of creating a new brand to unify the organization. The result is a vibrant and cohesive brand identity, from the impactful new logo to a dynamic toolkit and brand architecture that enables FIM to enhance awareness and engagement.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Frost Creative Limited has left an indelible mark with its exceptional work on “Empowering Effective Multichannel Communications for CFH.” Under the guidance of Gary Frost, the lead at Frost Creative, this project was commissioned by CFH Docmail Ltd, a national powerhouse in multichannel communications.
CFH, known for providing innovative solutions for cost-effective and efficient client-customer connections, faced a challenge. With a diverse range of products and services, including Dotpost, Docmail, and Print UK, there was a growing need for clarity regarding the relationships between these brands and the overarching CFH identity.
Frost Creative rose to the occasion, tasked with reviewing and redefining CFH’s brand identity to eliminate confusion and enhance audience understanding. The result is a revitalized brand that encapsulates CFH’s unique story and value proposition. Frost Creative’s expertise, spanning strategy, design, digital, print, and physical environments, was seamlessly woven into a coherent and engaging brand narrative.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding, Websites / Online Media
In the expansive landscape of Branding projects, Brandcode GmbH has etched its mark with an exceptional venture – the “Mubea U-Mobility XBoard.” Under the leadership of Martina Lewis, the team at Brandcode crafted a bold new identity for the XBoard product brand, a groundbreaking e-scooter that redefines driving safety, handling, and fun.
The XBoard stands out with its patented folding mechanism, seamlessly transforming into a convenient size with a gentle kick on the step crank lever. This core feature becomes the essence of the brand, and the innovative product design converges with the brand to create a distinctive logo encapsulated in the bold “X.”
Beyond the visual identity, Brandcode executed a comprehensive strategy, including the development of the website, App UI-Design, Social Media posts, and other collaterals. The result is a cohesive and engaging brand narrative that reflects the innovation, excitement, and convenience embedded in the Mubea U-Mobility XBoard.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Factory has left an indelible mark with their exceptional work on “Light to Night 2023.” Helmed by lead designer Roy Wang and a talented team including Chrystal Lim, Tamelia Lim, Sandra Lau, and Lin Chi Chen, Factory took on the challenge presented by the National Gallery Singapore to organize the anchor event of the Singapore Art Week.
As the festival designers, Factory drew inspiration from the theme “Here & Now,” reflecting on how artists create works in reaction to their time and place. The resulting design encapsulates the essence of the present moment, inviting visitors to contemplate the true meaning of being in the present.
Using intersecting forms with a bold color scheme that seamlessly transitions from day to night, Factory developed an abstract and colorful key visual for the festival. The dynamic forms create a sense of fluidity, embodying the exciting and immersive experience that Light to Night promises to deliver.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Neptune Coffee & Drinks emerges as a beacon of branding brilliance, with the visionary touch of lead designer Cansu Dagbagli Ferreira. Nestled in Izmir, Turkey, this new cafe draws inspiration from the sea god Neptune, and the branding reflects this maritime concept through a series of thoughtful design choices.
The color palette, reminiscent of the deep blue sea and refreshing mint green, creates a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. Complemented by brighter secondary colors, the design captures the sunny and revitalizing energy that defines the cafe.
Typography plays a key role in shaping the brand’s identity, with clean choices that nod to traditional cafe signage. The title typeface exudes a warm and intimate mood, while the body typeface ensures easy readability, culminating in a harmonious blend that radiates youthful energy and a welcoming ambiance.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
The American Gaming Association (AGA) teamed up with NJI to unveil the Have A Game Plan brand, a champion in promoting responsible, legal sports betting. With Glen Swart and Dale Campbell at the helm, the NJI team orchestrated a slam-dunk success through visually striking design and motion graphics.
In collaboration with major leagues like the NBA, MLB, NHL, and WNBA, NJI crafted a series of engaging digital assets and videos. This not only heightened AGA’s visibility but also legitimized in-venue sports betting. The Have A Game Plan brand became a beacon of responsibility, amplifying AGA’s message and educational resources with a consistent and compelling tone across various social and digital platforms.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Media–Objectives, led by Joe Lawton, brought vibrancy and community focus to Upland Park’s HQ (Headquarters) project. Nestled in Huntsville, Alabama, this master-planned residential and mixed-use development by Nicol Investment Company embodies lighthearted robustness.
As the central hub in the Research Park area, HQ boasts creative office spaces, lively dining, and retail offerings all seamlessly connected under one roof. The brand and website, crafted by the adept team at Media–Objectives, mirror the spirited essence and community-driven facilities of Upland Park, elevating it to a standout in Huntsville’s landscape.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Media–Objectives, under the leadership of Jacob Goble, masterfully crafted the brand identity for Chicago Textile Week. This event seamlessly weaves together the realms of interior design, fiber art, and fashion, creating a tapestry that explores Chicago’s rich textile history and its promising future.
As the event gained rapid popularity, the need for a new brand identity and signage strategy became apparent. Working closely with organizers and sponsors, the design team established a graphic language that boldly and minimally captures the essence of textiles. A fresh color scheme, typeface, and graphic framing system were introduced to represent the tactile qualities of fabric in both print and digital promotional materials, as well as event signage and collateral. The result is a visual feast that encapsulates the tactile world of textiles, setting Chicago Textile Week apart as a vibrant and dynamic experience.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Smith & Connors, led by the talented Talie Smith, played a pivotal role in crafting the brand identity for Justice Oregon for Black Lives—an initiative by Meyer Memorial Trust that emerged in response to the poignant protests against the unjust deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others.
The challenge was to develop a brand that exuded optimism, boldness, and a deep connection to Black traditions. The result is a comprehensive identity marked by modern illustrations as the cornerstone of its language, complemented by thoughtful choices in typography, color, and layouts. Smith & Connors went the extra mile, creating a series of social templates and presentation materials for the communications team, ensuring the brand’s voice resonates powerfully and meaningfully. The initiative stands as a testament to the impact that thoughtful design can have in amplifying voices for justice and equality.
Winner in Brand identity / Branding
Smith & Connors, under the creative helm of Talie Smith, took on the challenge of rebranding their own agency, and the result is a true testament to their commitment to core values and visual identity.
The goal was clear: align the visual identity with the company’s fundamental values. With a focus on joy, the rebranding effort embraced welcoming typography, a vibrant color palette, expressive iconography, and engaging imagery. Designed to be accessible, the new brand places the audience and their needs at the forefront, creating a warm and inclusive experience. The agency went the extra mile, developing expressive social templates, a digital-friendly visual language, and a suite of digital and print collateral. This self-rebrand showcases not only their design prowess but also their dedication to creating a brand that resonates authentically with their audience.
Winner in Corporate identity / Branding
James Dawson and JD Designs took on the challenge of crafting a comprehensive strategy, branding, and identity design for Atraxo—a digital platform facilitating connections between aviation fuel buyers and sellers.
Atraxo’s brand mark mirrors the sleek structure of an aircraft, employing geometric precision to communicate quality and streamlined digital processes. The central ‘X’ serves as a visual representation of the connection between buyers and sellers within the aviation industry. The spiral brand pattern draws inspiration from jet engine design, symbolizing the intelligent engineering behind Atraxo’s products, aimed at achieving swift customer outcomes through automation. This branding project not only showcases a sophisticated visual identity but also reflects the intricate synergy of design and functionality in the aviation fuel marketplace.
Winner in Corporate identity / Branding
Lee Selsick and Next Brand embarked on a transformative journey with Assembled Media, a media planning and buying business, aiming to rebrand for enhanced engagement with their target client base—specifically, challenger brands.
The rebranding mission called for a dynamic, vibrant, and edgier brand identity that resonates with the essence of Assembled Media’s new direction. To capture this spirit, the team incorporated motion heavily into the brand, ensuring a dynamic visual representation. The focus was on presenting data and content in a clear and coherent style, aligning with the company’s evolution towards a more impactful and engaging brand presence. This project exemplifies the seamless fusion of strategic thinking and design execution in crafting a brand that speaks to the heart of its audience.
Winner in Logo design / Branding, Beverage / Packaging, Brand identity / Branding
Luis Marques and the M&A Creative Agency orchestrated a symphony of creativity with their project “UNCOMMON WINES,” a collaboration with the renowned drummer Kenny Aronoff. Recognized by Rolling Stone magazine as one of the 100 greatest drummers of all time, Aronoff ventured into the world of wine, and M&A Creative Agency played a crucial role in shaping the brand’s identity.
The agency took charge of naming, branding, packaging, and meticulous execution, resulting in a luxurious and distinctive presentation. The brand unfolds with a lavish antique gold-plated locket, embodying Aronoff’s personality. The design prominently features his signature sunglasses, drumsticks—a constant extension of his craft—and a circular shape reminiscent of his drum set. This project stands as a testament to the harmonious fusion of musical and visual artistry, creating a brand that is as exceptional as the wines it represents.
Winner in Retail Branding / Retail
Ellen Bruss and her team at Ellen Bruss Design carved out an exceptional identity for “3 Forks Bar and Restaurant,” nestled in the picturesque landscape of Moonlight Basin, Big Sky, Montana. The restaurant, named after the challenging Three Forks ski run it overlooks, sought a brand that captured the essence of adventure and celebrated the breathtaking scenery.
The design palette, adorned with black, cream, and red, intertwined vintage ski imagery with contemporary visuals of the thrilling ski run. The brand resonates with the early history of skiing, creating a spirited atmosphere. From bar dice to coasters, menus to custom paper clips, postcards to cocktail glasses, the team crafted a cohesive and immersive brand experience that echoes the heart-pumping excitement of the Three Forks ski run.
Factory, under the creative helm of Roy Wang, took the spotlight in the 8th Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF) with their stellar design work. The biennial event, a convergence of global minds passionate about advancing the art and appreciation of photography, appointed Factory as the official festival designer.
Factory’s role encompassed crafting the festival’s brand identity, marketing collaterals, and spatial design for exhibitions across various Singapore venues. The resulting design was a harmonious blend of creativity, aesthetics, and functionality, creating an immersive experience that celebrated the diverse and profound world of photography.
Winner in Promotional items / Branding
Antonia Skaraki and her team at A.S. Strategy Branding & Communication made a powerful impact with their Women Empowerment branding project, winning accolades in Promotional Items and Social Responsibility categories. This corporate gift goes beyond the ordinary, delivering a poignant message about the pervasive abuse suffered by women globally.
Using Cretan Tsikoudia, the team crafted symbolic bottles representing different women, each adorned with distinct clay faces embodying powerful ideals such as Freedom, Change, Equality, Justice, Education, Choice, and Strength. The bottles, accompanied by artistic graphic representations and a wall poster, stand as a collective tribute to women’s solidarity worldwide. A.S. Strategy’s creative approach beautifully merges art, social responsibility, and branding to deliver a message that resonates deeply.
Winner in Promotional items / Branding
Meaghan Barry and Lilian Crum from Unsold Studio showcased their creative prowess in the project “Cranbrook on the Green: Artist-Designed Mini-Golf,” earning recognition in the Promotional Items/Branding category. Their identity and ad campaign pay homage to Cranbrook’s legacy, incorporating iconic sculptures and campus iconography in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
The design exudes a nostalgic summertime vibe with vibrant colors reminiscent of the 80s/90s, coupled with Esprit-like geometry and patterns. The collage approach, inspired by the renowned designer April Greiman, adds a unique and visually engaging dimension to the campaign. Unsold Studio’s work not only promotes the mini-golf experience but also captures the essence and artistic heritage of Cranbrook.
As we continue our exploration of these award-winning branding projects, a broader theme emerges: the success of strategic brand development. Each project serves as a case study in transforming spaces, narratives, and communities. The evolution of brand identity is not just a visual spectacle but a strategic effort that shapes perceptions and fosters a sense of connection.
Beyond the accolades, each project carries a story, providing a wealth of branding inspiration. These showcased branding projects not only reflect current trends but also hint at the future of brand identity. The trends woven into each project, highlight the dynamic nature of branding in our ever-changing world.
As we conclude our journey through the 45 award-winning branding projects, the main message is clear—creativity knows no bounds. These projects are more than visual delights; they are sparks of inspiration for every creative designer. From innovative strategies to successful development and the evolution of brand identity, the C2A winners showcase the multifaceted nature of branding. Let these branding projects be the driving force that elevates your work to new levels, securing your place in the vibrant world of branding excellence.
In the competitive field of creative design, attracting and retaining clients is as essential as the creativity and innovation behind your designs. For creative designers looking to expand their clientele, the following seven strategies offer a blend of traditional and modern approaches to establish a solid presence in the creative industry.
A strong personal brand is critical for creative designers. It involves understanding your target audience, positioning yourself effectively in the market, and showcasing your work and creative philosophy. Potential clients are drawn to designers who display a unique style and approach, making it easier for them to choose you for their creative needs.
How can I identify my target audience?
Conduct market research to understand the demographics and preferences of potential clients who value your style and expertise. This can involve analyzing trends within your niche, surveying existing clients, and utilizing social media insights.
An active online presence across social media platforms is non-negotiable. Regularly update your portfolio, engage with your audience, and share insights and trends related to creative design. Making your profiles easily navigable and linked to your website can significantly boost your visibility.
What type of content should I share on social media?
Share a mix of your recent work, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process, and content that adds value to your audience, such as design tips and industry insights.
Attending and actively participating in industry events is crucial for building a strong professional network. These events provide opportunities to meet potential clients, collaborate with other creative designers, and stay updated on industry trends.
How can I make the most out of networking events?
Prepare a brief and engaging pitch about your services, bring business cards, and follow up with your new contacts post-event to foster relationships.
Achieving recognition through design awards and competitions can significantly enhance your reputation and gain extra publicity. Look for opportunities that align with your expertise and apply to gain credibility and attention from potential clients.
Which awards should I consider participating in?
Research and target awards that cater to your niche, for example for creative designers – Creative Communication Award (C2A), or Design MasterPrize (DMP), product and graphic design award.
Contributing articles to industry publications and speaking at events can establish you as an authority in your field. Sharing your expertise not only builds your credibility but also exposes you to a broader audience of potential clients.
How do I get started with public speaking or writing?
Begin by contributing to design blogs and local industry meetups. As you build your portfolio, reach out to larger conferences and publications. Effective networking through these channels can translate into valuable client relationships.
Offering workshops or classes is an effective way to share your skills and attract clients interested in your area of expertise. It also showcases your commitment to your craft and your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly.
How can teaching translate to more client work?
Teaching positions you as an expert and builds trust with potential clients who may require your services for their projects.
Working with other creative designers and professionals can open up new avenues for projects. Collaborations can lead to referrals and a more diverse portfolio, appealing to a broader client base.
How do I find collaboration opportunities?
Join online communities, attend industry events, and express your interest in collaborations on social media platforms.
For creative designers, attracting clients goes beyond showcasing your work; it involves strategic positioning, networking, and continuously sharing your expertise. By employing these strategies, you can enhance your visibility in the creative industry and attract a steady stream of clients who value your unique offerings.
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are pivotal elements in the digital landscape, shaping how users interact with and perceive digital products. UI focuses on the visual aspects and presentation of a product, while UX delves into the overall user experience, including usability, accessibility, and user satisfaction.
UI design involves creating the look and feel of a digital product, encompassing elements like colors, typography, and visual hierarchy. On the other hand, UX design is concerned with the overall user journey, ensuring that the interaction with the product is seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable.
UI/UX can involve both developers and designers, and collaboration between the two is essential for a successful outcome. Designers typically focus on the visual and experiential aspects, while developers bring those designs to life through coding and implementation.
Now, let’s delve into the winners of the Creative Communication Award (C2A) in the UI & UX Design category, exploring the projects that have redefined digital experiences.
Prize: Winner in User Experience Design / UI & UX Design
Company: DDC Public Affairs
Lead: Kevin Lawlor, Molly Wiley
Build With Strength by DDC Public Affairs is a testament to the resilience and innovation found in concrete, mirroring the platform it represents. The goal was to create a website that echoed the brand’s established reputation in the design and build community. The result? A platform that not only embodies the brand but also encapsulates the foundational experience of concrete—structurally sound, flexible, innovative, and engaging.
Prize: Winner in User Experience Design / UI & UX Design
Company: XYG Studio
Lead: Xinyue Guo
TangiBand is a gamified music education app powered by Augmented Reality and AIoT technology. It provides children with an intuitive and engaging way to learn music, breaking down barriers by allowing them to create music without the need for traditional instruments. Xinyue Guo, the lead designer, brings her expertise in UX Design and interaction design to create an inspiring musical learning experience.
Prize: Winner in User Experience Design / UI & UX Design
Company: Rocket-media GmbH & Co KG
Lead: UX Team rocket-media
This project by Rocket-media focuses on enhancing the user experience for LAUDA, a leading provider of temperature equipment and systems. The goal was to overhaul the product, navigation, and content structure to ensure easy access for different user groups. As a result, the complex technical field becomes more navigable, providing a positive user experience.
Prize: Winner in User Interface design / UI & UX Design, User Experience Design / UI & UX Design
Lead: Augustina(Ao) Liu
MindUp, led by Augustina(Ao) Liu, focuses on reducing anxiety levels through mindfulness journaling. The project combines multiple-choice questions and freestyle writing, gamifying the experience with a daily punch system for visualizing progress. Ao Liu’s dedication to inclusive design shines through, making mindfulness accessible to a broader audience.
Prize: Winner in User Interface design / UI & UX Design
Company: L+R
Lead: Chris Martinie
L+R collaborated with to create a seamless digital experience centered around technology, integrity, and excellence. Chris Martinie’s team designed the UX/UI to showcase’s vision, resulting in a visually stunning web3 website that stands out in the digital art market.
Prize: Best of Best in Innovative technologies (VR and other) / Advertising, Winner in User Interface design / UI & UX Design
University: ArtCenter College of Design
Lead: Ziyi Zhou, Tianhao He, Yizhen Guo, Ruiying Xu
Knovo, an AR+VR educational system, blends AI with personalized assignments to enhance knowledge retention and practical application. The project, led by Ziyi Zhou and team, bridges the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world application, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
Prize: Winner in User Experience Design / UI & UX Design
University: ArtCenter College of Design
Lead: Ziyi Zhou, Jeremy Chang
Nebula is a personalized IoT ecosystem designed to assist individuals in getting quality sleep. Ziyi Zhou and Jeremy Chang’s project includes a mobile app and a projector, creating a controlled environment that adapts to the user’s routine.
Prize: Winner in User Experience Design / UI & UX Design
University: National Institute of Design
Lead: Apurva Gupta
Kawach addresses the rising violence against women in India by providing a safety app, a safety gadget (ring), and street lights. Apurva Gupta’s project focuses on immediate access to help during street harassment, utilizing technology for women’s safety in public spaces.
Prize: Winner in Brand design / Branding, Brand identity / Branding, Websites / Online Media, User Experience Design / UI & UX Design, User Interface design / UI & UX Design
Company: Ryze Agency
Lead: David Smith
Craft – Digital Brand Experience by Ryze Agency elevates the private jet charter company’s online presence. David Smith and his team aimed to reintroduce Craft’s offering and enhance their brand perception through a user-focused website, creating a visually appealing platform for a global audience.
Prize: Winner in Websites / Online Media, User Interface design / UI & UX Design
Company: Userly Labs
Lead: Andrew Chaoya Li
Time Machine for Artists Website Design by Userly Labs explores the potential of AI in transforming art creation and interaction. Andrew Chaoya Li’s project showcases modern worlds through the lenses of renowned artists from the past, providing an educational platform for exploring cutting-edge AI technology.
Prize: Winner in Websites / Online Media, Online experiences / Online Media, User Experience Design / UI & UX Design, User Interface design / UI & UX Design
Company: Ryze Agency
Lead: David Smith
The Institute of Clever Stuff by Ryze Agency introduces a data-science-led business consultancy with a unique perspective. David Smith’s team focuses on transparency of process, allowing users to discover the consultancy’s offerings and experience their unique character.
These C2A UI & UX Design winners showcase the power of design in shaping digital experiences. From innovative music education apps to personalized IoT ecosystems, these projects redefine how we interact with technology, emphasizing user-centricity, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal. The Creative Communication Award recognizes and celebrates these outstanding achievements, pushing the boundaries of UI & UX design for a better digital future.
Creative packaging is an art form that transcends the mundane, turning product presentation into an immersive experience. In this exploration of innovative packaging, we uncover 28 exceptional projects that redefine how we perceive and interact with products.
Creative packaging is more than a mere container; it’s a storytelling medium, conveying brand identity and creating memorable consumer experiences. This fusion of aesthetics, functionality, and innovation transforms packaging into a canvas of expression.
“We’re very happy about winning with this design. There are details one might overlook if one doesn’t look very carefully. I think we managed to mix equally the two things we wanted: science and art.” – Anotonia Skaraki
“It’s one project very close to our hearts and so happy for winning. Long gone are the
days of over descriptive photos of expensive breeds on pet packages. Here’s to your dog. Here’s to your love. Here’s to the unique-unequivocally-yours Benji, Toby, Bella and Luna.”
– Antonia Skaraki
“To create an original design for a yogurt brand in Greece is as difficult as designing an
original pack for crisps in the UK (without eating them). In this busy market we tried to
break some codes and combine the original with the enticing. Did we make it? Well, it
seems you thought so, thanks!” – Antonia Skaraki
“Perhaps it’s its mystic balance. Or that it has something hypnotic when you focus on the circle cut by that line. Perhaps it’s because the light dares to bleed out of its defined
borders. There’s something about this design that mesmerised us while making it. The result was so hypnotic we even imagined we got an award.”
– Antonia Skaraki
These 28 creative packaging projects exemplify diversity and ingenuity within the industry. From beverage trends to sustainable initiatives, each project narrates a unique story through its packaging. As we witness the evolution of packaging design, it’s clear that creativity knows no bounds in this dynamic field.
Embrace the future of creative packaging, where innovation and aesthetics converge to leave a lasting impression on consumers. Explore, be inspired, and let these projects spark your imagination as you navigate the world of creative packaging.
Stay tuned for more updates on the latest trends and innovations in the Creative Communication Award (C2A) community!
We are honored to share the news that we have released the highly anticipated Book of Creative Communication featuring the Winners of the previous edition, 2022. This remarkable compilation is now available to order as a print-on-demand service, allowing creative enthusiasts worldwide to own a tangible collection of outstanding work.
The C2A Book of Creative Communication 2022 is a celebration of exceptional talent and innovative projects from across the globe. Carefully selected by our esteemed C2A jury, these projects represent the winners of the fourth edition of the Creative Communication Awards. From breathtaking design concepts to cutting-edge advertising campaigns, digital media innovations to groundbreaking branding strategies, this book captures the very essence of effective communication in various fields.
We believe that inspiration should be accessible to all. That’s why we have made every effort to keep the Book of Creative Communication 2022 affordable. Unlike traditional publishing models, we have eliminated the extra costs of book creation. Instead, you will only be charged for the printing and delivery, ensuring that you receive a high-quality publication without breaking the bank.
To order your copy of the Book of Creative Communication 2022, we have partnered with the renowned print-on-demand platform, Lulu. Their user-friendly interface makes the ordering process seamless and convenient.
Simply go to LULU to explore the page-turning journey that awaits you.
Through the print-on-demand service, we aim to provide an inclusive and cost-effective solution for enthusiasts, industry professionals, and creative minds to access this exceptional collection of award-winning projects. Each page of the book reflects the passion, talent, and visionary thinking of the individuals and teams behind these extraordinary works.
The Book of Creative Communication 2022 serves as a timeless source of inspiration and a testament to the power of effective communication. Whether you seek innovative ideas, cutting-edge approaches, or simply wish to immerse yourself in the world of creativity, this publication will undoubtedly captivate your imagination.
By ordering the Book of Creative Communication 2022, you are embarking on a visual journey through the minds of some of the most talented creatives on the planet. It is a testament to their relentless pursuit of excellence and their ability to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of communication.
We invite you to seize this opportunity and order your copy of the Book of Creative Communication 2022 today. Remember, we have eliminated the additional costs typically associated with book creation. You will only pay for the printing and delivery, ensuring an accessible and affordable experience for all.
Stay connected with the Creative Communication Awards (C2A) for more updates, events, and groundbreaking projects that continue to shape the world of communication. We are excited to have you join us on this journey of creativity and innovation.
Visit: LULU – C2A Winners Book 2022 to order your copy now and discover the extraordinary world of Creative Communication!
Los Angeles – The winners of the 2024 Creative Communication Award have been revealed, marking another year of celebrating excellence and innovation in the field of design and communication. Following the tremendous success of the 2023 edition, this year’s competition attracted a diverse array of outstanding submissions from visionary creatives worldwide.
This year’s awards showcased an incredible array of creative talent from across the globe, with submissions that pushed the boundaries of design, storytelling, and innovation. Each project reflects the passion and ingenuity driving the evolution of creative communication today.
After careful consideration by our esteemed jury of industry leaders, the winners have been selected from 18 diverse categories, spanning graphic design, communication, advertising, photography, and digital media. These outstanding projects demonstrate originality, craftsmanship, and the profound impact that creative design can have on our world.
The complete list of winners, including the Best of Best honorees, as well as Honorable Mentions spanning both professional and amateur entries, is now available for viewing on the Creative Communication Award website’s Winners Gallery. Explore these outstanding works of creativity and join in the celebration of the exceptional talent that graced the 2024 Creative Communication Award.
More than just an award, the C2A is an initiative, an accolade, and an opportunity. Offering unparalleled levels of exposure to an esteemed international audience, the C2A is an incredible chance to push your work to the next level.
We award and celebrate excellence in communication design, advertising, digital media, and other related fields.
Benefit from our PR campaigns and promotions.
Take advantage of being exposed to new potential clients all over the world.
Connect with other creative designers worldwide and forge new opportunities through networking.
Boost your team's morale by well-deserved international recognition.
All benefits of winning C2A are included in the submission fees.